Δευτέρα 22 Μαΐου 2017

A case of pedunculated right ventricular fibroma: a rare presentation and review of literature


Cardiac fibromas are rare benign tumors which are found mainly in children and sometimes reported in adults. These are usually intramyocardial solid tumors, located mostly within the left ventricular free wall and interventricular septum. Rarely, they may be found in the right ventricle. We present a rare pedunculated fibroma attached to the interventricular septum in the region of the subpulmonary infundibulum in the right ventricular outflow tract in an 8-year-old girl who had presented with gradually increasing exertional chest pain over 8 months without any weight loss, fever, and anemia. Echocardiography showed a pedunculated freely mobile right ventricular mass moving into the main pulmonary artery during systolic contraction. The most likely diagnosis was a myxoma. It was excised through pulmonary arteriotomy under cardiopulmonary bypass. On histopathological examination, it was confirmed as a fibroma. The patient is doing well after 7 years follow-up without any recurrence.


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